Friday, June 13, 2008

The Office

I was introduced to the Office by a friend and man that show is hilarious. Though this past season hasn't been quite as laugh out loud funny as the previous seasons, the show as a whole is still probably the best comedy show out there. Can't wait for season 5!! I had uploads of all the videos up on Youtube but because of copyright violations they have all but been taken down :( Quite unfortunate since I would think that the more little tidbits/video clips are out there, the more people who happen to stumble upon it would love it and would tune in to watch the show. SPOILERS BELOW - so if you haven't watched the show (WHY NOT?) beware!
And now...the Top 5 Best Pranks:
5) 70% is better than 30%

4) Fax from the Future
Jim takes some of Dwight's fax letter heads before leaving for another branch and periodically faxes Dwight a fax - claiming to be Dwight from the future.
3) Altoid Dwight?
Jim conditions Dwight to want an altoid every time he makes a sound on the computer. New meaning to Pavlov’s Dog Theory eh?
2) Gaydar
It is revealed that Oscar is gay, so Dwight and Michael request a "Gaydar" from Jim so that they can find out who else in the Office is also gay...then Dwight accidentally scans himself...
1) CIA
Dwight is tricked into believing that he has been recruited for a secret CIA mission. Jim and Pam take this opportunity to text him to inform him that he has been discovered and must destroy his cell phone.


Thursday, June 12, 2008

11 - Technorati & Blog Tags

Before doing this exercise, I had heard about Technorati but was never quite 100% sure of what it was or what it did. I really like how there are multiple ways of searching for the same subject - the different results for each type made one person lists or tags something is usually different than how someone else might categorize it. While browsing at the popular blogs/searches/tags I was not really too surprised about the top results. As a more technically driven resource, I sort of figured that the top results would be tech related one way or another. Still it is a useful feature to see the most popular searches, if nothing else to get a feel for what people think are important.


08 - Set Up Your Own MySpace Account

I am only a few years late to the whole "Myspace" scene, but better late than never right? My Myspace account. As of now it is quite bare but I plan on taking some time to spruce it up and to flex my CSS skills a little later.


07 - Libraries & Myspace

Just as a for-profit company needs to constantly adapt and change to stay relevant in an ever-changing, competitive market, so too must non-profit organizations such as the library - and embracing social networking websites such as Myspace will help to keep the library current and will provide direct access to the teenager/young adult target market. Perception can be quite powerful and before I started working at the library, with the limited visits I had at the old Main Library, I had thought that the library was old fashioned, staffed by librarians who would throw dirty looks and hushes at anything/anyone that made a sound; having worked at the library for the past few years however has made me reevaluate my previous thoughts. With the move over to the new glass building, I'd venture to say that the library is in fact quite different from a conventional library. With a computer/technology center, various shops, Internet/Wi-Fi access and more, the library is becoming a gathering place/hub for all sort of activities and events. While people may have conflicting opinions about Myspace and other social networking sites, the truth is that a vast majority of Internet users have accounts and access them frequently. With all the changes/accommodations being made to make the library seem more "open" than ever before, I see the library having a Myspace page as yet another way for it to continue to branch out and reach its target age group in the most efficient way.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

My Passion for Drawing

For as long as I can remember, I've always had a love for drawing. At one point I wanted to be a professional artist but my mom helped open my eyes - you don't become famous or rich until you die - while that bit of advice may have altered my professional career (part of the reason I decided to major in marketing) it has not changed my love of it as a hobby. Whether it be a quick doodle in class or an involving project that can take months, I love the peace, comfort, and escape that drawing can provide me. Unfortunately I have not had the time or energy to focus and involve myself with my artwork as much as I have wanted but I'm hoping to be able to devote more time and effort to my drawing within the upcoming months. For now, here are my latest pictures - scanned from my sketchbook. You can also check them out on my Flickr's account as well.


10 -

Delicious is such an awesome idea. While I hate how you have to install the toolbar to use it - why can't you just log in and add in URLs manually?! - the idea of being able to access your bookmarks from any computer with Internet access is brilliant! Now I have all my bookmarks and NFL toolbar anywhere I go - love it! My Delicious Account


13 - Explore Flickr

Kinda out of order in terms of Library 2.0, but I figure since I already have a Flickr account, I can start off here first. Flickr is an awesome way to share photos. Check out some of my hand drawings; hopefully I'll have more time in the near future to devote more time to honing my skills. My Flickr's Account


Library 2.0

One of the requirements for the Library 2.0 program is to create and maintain a blog. Initially I was going to create a blog using the Wordpress platform but it was a little bit too time consuming for my taste, plus I would have to host it on a server of some sort, which would require me to purchase a domain - again, not something I am all that interested in doing at this point in time. However, I can't deny that I am interested in both the design and Search Engine Optimization implications of starting this blog. So in addition to the required blog posts for the program, I'll also be periodically making posts about other things that are of interest to me - so here is to a fun and educational experience!
