Friday, December 5, 2008

Personal Writing Section

When I was getting ready to leave the Library, I put together a list of things that I wanted to pursue but never really had the time to do. One of these goals was to just write more frequently - no guild lines: just take whatever thoughts have been running in my head and then transcribe them to paper. It is pretty remarkable when you think about all things that run through your head in a day...but how often do you actually take the time to analyze the reasoning behind why you think the way you do, or do the things you do. Just like when you are studying for a may think that you have a pretty good understanding of the topic but it isn't until you actually force yourself to do a problem, rather than just thinking about it, do you really get to find out how much you really know. Hopefully through the writing process I can learn a little bit more about if nothing else, 5 years from now I can take a trip down memory lane. I gotta imagine it will be entertaining to look back and see what craziness was running through my head.


Creating My Own Blog Template...Sort Of

Since I kinda do HTML programming for a living at my real-job, what better way to apply what I've learned/am learning than on my own blog. The possibilities of HTML and CSS are almost limitless...almost to the point where it seems too daunting to try...but the best way to learn is to do, so here we go!

Back From the Dead

Wow...almost 6 months since the last time I wrote something on my blog...I blame the clutches of that damn Diablo 2...should have never started up with it again - I have too many separation difficulties and playing that addicting of a game, in hind-sight, probably wasn't the brightest of ideas. But now that I am back, I'm obviously back to business. Time to try and finally start doing some of the things I had originally planned to do when I left the Library as a second job...6 months of slacking should be more than enough right?